TRX1 Dev Blog #5 (May 2021)
In May I was focusing on the Runiverse project to make its state machine work properly. The graphics have been decorated with a new animation system, and the laws of celestial mechanics have taken effect. At the same time I added a couple new helpful features to THORChain Monitoring bot.
- The event recording tool was finished (MCCN and SCCN are supported)
- Completed the animations state machine, so TX objects follow their paths between pools and wallets
- Added a new data provider to playback recorded event streams
- New physical model that obeys the laws of celestial mechanics
- Graphics: added an environmental map filled with stars and nebulae
- Graphics: added a new object class depicting user wallets
- Graphics: added billboard-sprites for pools and wallets labels
- Graphics: experimental bloom effect and post-processing composer
- Graphics: added random rotations for objects in the scene
- GUI: Improved logging system
- GUI: Help page
- GUI: Keyboard shortcuts
- GUI: Full screen mode
- Improved object hierarchy, introduced more configuration options
- Bug fixing, preparing for distribution builds
- Engaging a freelancer for implementing graphical effects
I could have posted a first preview version last month, but I prefer to make it more impressing by adding some GFX. I decided to expand my team by inviting one or two talented freelance developers.
Source code:
THORChain Monitoring bot
- Released the new version of LP yield info module. Faster, more accurate, and fee reports are included. It has few external API dependencies.
- New flexible configuration manager, enable/disable for bot’s modules
- Investigating and fixing the bug of “pool churn” notification spam. Added a cooldown timer and a new connection to Midgard V2 endpoint to verify the list of pools.
- Created an impermanent loss protection calculator for BEPSwap. It scans the current state of Single chain Chaosnet and forms a table (XLSX) with a list of eligible liquidity providers and their expected compensation. The script is here: See an example below:
- Started working on node geo-location/provider analytics.
- Also started working on a set of tools for node operators such as personal notifications about their nodes state, health and slash points accural
- Improvements to localization strings
- USDC is included to the stable coin list for determining weighted RUNE price
- Now you can use URLs like this to share liquidity reports of any address.
MCCN Alert channel (English):
MCCN Alert channel (Russian):
BEPSwap alerts:
BEPSwap Bot:
Source code:
We in the community have talked and agreed that it would be good to have a portal for ideas on how to improve THORChain.
So I decided to set up such a portal. Feel free to suggest your ideas here:
Also, I helped community members to kick off a new pool.
Shame on me for not fulfilling all of last month’s promises in full. But priorities sometimes change as we go along, so we have to switch to more pressing tasks.
My plans for June:
- Node diversity analytics (by geo and provider)
- Node Op tools (personal notification)
- To add a few new helpful notifications regarding liquidity cap and network stability and security
- More cool GFX for Runiverse and a first public release of it
Thank you, THOR Warriors. Be healthy and wealthy!