TRX1 Dev Blog #1 (January 2021)
TRX1’s January 2021 development report.
This bot helps THOR Warriors to track their LP in Telegram, keep up with the latest network events receiving notifications about significant TXs, system load (queue), price changes, and pool status changes.
What was done in January 2021?
1. Button to get a summary of all liquidity pools for a given address as a picture with a daily chart.
2. Rune price chart (you can view the Rune price chart inside the “Metrics” menu and also it will be attached to the price alerts in the THORChain Alerts channel). It includes both market and deterministic prices.
3. A tool to add a glowing frame to the user’s avatar (this thing turned out to be quite popular).
4. Time interval selector (24 hours, 7 days, 1 month) for the price and queue charts (in beta now).
5. Started to prepare the bot for Multichain, Native Rune, and Midgard V2.
6. Other minor things like bug fixes.
The project is open source: (
This Telegram bot helps the team to monitor the status of the BEP-ETH Rune bridge. It always sends a notification if the bridge goes down or up. Moreover, it sends dynamic messages for every in/out transaction. The bot edits each message when the corresponding transaction changes its status.
Source code is in the Github repository. ( It is written in Python using aioredis, aiogram, and aiohttp.
I have already got a bounty for this project. Here I am only informing about it to keep my dev-blog complete.
I started building a Python library for accessing THORChain nodes directly. Formerly that code was a part of the trader’s leaderboard and the monitoring bot and then I decided to extract the common parts, improve them and release them as a library. I hope it will be helpful to other devs too.
Most of the code was written already in February, so I’ll tell you more about it in the next report.
Link to the source code.
I am thinking of a new concept for visualizing the operation of the THORChain network.
Having a background in computer graphics and game development I am going to use these skills to build an impressive visualization on a web page. The allegory of Thorchain as a black hole of liquidity fits perfectly. I am going to portray liquidity pools probably as binary stars and coin transfers as lumps of the cosmic matter being drawn in and ejected as they interact with the galactic system. All this will happen in real-time. The scale of objects will correspond to the volume of transactions and the depth of pools.
I believe that the project will find its applications for marketing, YouTube videos, and streams.
The work is done so far:
1. Inventing the concept and the first sketches and notes
2. Selection of impressive GLSL shaders
3. Research for existing blockchain visualizations and tools for graphics on webpages
3. A simple VueJs project with WebGL attached.
I did not decide whether to use plain JS with WebGL or an engine like Unity3D. Anyway, the first task is to build a core then fancy graphics is to be added.
As usual, the source is located on GitHub
Feel free to suggest your ideas and improvements. My telegram contact is